Disk Clean up question


Sep 11, 2017

My newly build system uses an 1 TB M.2 drive along with a 1TB SSD. With mechanical drives I've always run the Windows Disk Clean Up utility from time to time. I know defragging is a no-no with SSD's, but i'm wondering if running Disk Clean Up is still a good idea?

Thank you
Make sure disk defragmentation is not set up to run as a scheduled task. On my Windows 8.1 Pro system, I believe it was scheduled to run once per week as a default task. I left it that way as I don't have any SSDs yet. You can go to your search bar and type in Task Scheduler to see what tasks are scheduled to run and when.

Disk Cleanup is fine.
It simply deletes things.
Make sure disk defragmentation is not set up to run as a scheduled task. On my Windows 8.1 Pro system, I believe it was scheduled to run once per week as a default task. I left it that way as I don't have any SSDs yet. You can go to your search bar and type in Task Scheduler to see what tasks are scheduled to run and when.

Actually, Win 7 and later know the difference, and won't actually "defrag" an SSD.
That's good to know ^^^, as I probably wouldn't remember to go in and cancel the task when I do get a SSD.

Edit: I wasn't thinking clearly. I won't have to cancel the task when I get a SSD. I will leave it scheduled so it can defrag my secondary drive (HDD).