Disk Defrag Help


Aug 8, 2011
When I try to run Disk Defragmenter, this message shows up: "Disk Defragmenter cannot start because the Task Scheduler is not running. Start the Task Scheduler service and try again". Then when I try to start Task Scheduler in Services, this message shows up: "Windows could not start the Task Scheduler service on Local Computer. Error 1068: The dependency service or group failed to start". So what is wrong and what should I do next?

Recently, this message keeps showing up every time I log in: “Failed to connect to a Windows service Windows could not connect to the System Event Notification Service service. This problem prevents standard users from logging on to the system. As an administrative user, you can review the System Event Log for details about why the service didn't respond”. What does this message mean and what should I do next?
You have more than just the defrag issue. That first error is what you need to fix. What you are doing is trying to look for a clean shirt because the gash in your chest is bleeding and getting the shirt dirty intead of fixing the cut.

Try doing a system restore to a time before the error occured. If that does not fix it, check the event log to see what errors come up, check system and application log, then try to manually start the services that failed to start.

You could also try booting off your Windows 7 disk and do a Repair setup of Windows.

If none of those help you to get rid of the error, you need to backup your files and install Windows clean on the system.
Hello... http://www.blackviper.com/windows-services/disk-defragmenter/
You need to Go to task Manager- Services- Services and find the 3 "Dependencies" items... Click on them to change them... and Start them/ set to automatic/ manual. which ever condition you need.
Mine are all set to automatic.
You have more than just the defrag issue. That first error is what you need to fix. What you are doing is trying to look for a clean shirt because the gash in your chest is bleeding and getting the shirt dirty intead of fixing the cut.

Try doing a system restore to a time before the error occured. If that does not fix it, check the event log to see what errors come up, check system and application log, then try to manually start the services that failed to start.

You could also try booting off your Windows 7 disk and do a Repair setup of Windows.

If none of those help you to get rid of the error, you need to backup your files and install Windows clean on the system.