disk drive not showing in disk management but is ok in bios


Oct 5, 2015
Hi all,
I'm running XP SP3.

Today my d: drive disappeared. It is not in disk management and it is not in device manager.

I see it in bios,

bios says it is ok so I hope there might be nothing wrong with the drive itself.

There are some warning messages in event viewer, and one error message.
PlugPlayManager event id 12, device disappeared from the system,

and a bunch of
dmio event id 31 - harddisk0 write error due to disk removal

Is this a software problem? I did some googling without much success.

Appreciate any advice. Thanks.

Edit: well, now it no longer shows in bios, I guess that means it's dead?
Those errors you are getting could indicate either drive failure or loose connection.
I would recommend you to change the cable and the port and see if this helps. You can also try to connect it via usb and check disk for errors using manufacturer software or 3rd party one

Edit: Usually i was able to open near-death drives with sata-to-usb connection enough long to backup some non corrupted files
Hi there fred900,

In case the HDD is not recognized by BIOS, you need to: attach it with different cables(both SATA and power ones) to a different SATA port(even a different system). If the issue persists, then the HDD is dead. If the data is really important, you will need to contact a data recovery company.


Thanks Vesp3r... going to bring it to my trusted shop and ask them to check cables/ports.
I wonder why the sata-usb connector works when the sata alone doesn't? Anyway, I'll try that. Maybe we can copy the data to a new drive.

Thanks D_Know_WD... will try those things. Sounds like you guys are suggesting the sata port may have a problem...
Well, now it won't even boot up. It hangs at "auto-detecting 3rd Master".

I powered down last night, thinking maybe after a rest it might fix itself... I guess that was a mistake.