Hey, I have windows 8 and whenever I am literally just doing nothing and on the desktop screen my disk is at 100%? Could this mean my hard drive is failing?
Well I would suggest updating to Win8.1 which is out, and all the additional drivers, and see if that clears the issue. Basically these things all seem to crop up just as a major Service Pack comes out for Windows.
Disk or do you mean CPU? Could be scanning the drive (see your antivirus) or Windows maintaining it (defrag, diskcheck, etc.) while your 'idle'. Microsoft touted alot of the 'work' being doen when your not using the computer ever second of the day (literally).
Well I would suggest updating to Win8.1 which is out, and all the additional drivers, and see if that clears the issue. Basically these things all seem to crop up just as a major Service Pack comes out for Windows.