Disk Management lagging when i plug in my external hdd

May 9, 2018
Hello, i have problem with my external hdd after i formatted it (still in RAW), everytime i open disk management, it still stuck in loading disk resource so i cant check my hdd, and when i open device manager, it will always lagging when i want to see the volume tab on properties

Can you fix this plis??? I do use hdd app like easus or hd checking, it appearing the size and health hdd but so lagging and i need to wait long to work it out, so plis help me 🙁
Do you need anything on the drive?
I use Seatools for Windows to test all my drives, run the short tests first, then if those pass, run the long tests. If any errors, the drive is failing and you just need to replace it. If no errors, come on back and we will do some more work.
Do you need anything on the drive?
I use Seatools for Windows to test all my drives, run the short tests first, then if those pass, run the long tests. If any errors, the drive is failing and you just need to replace it. If no errors, come on back and we will do some more work.