Disk Manager Sourced "BootMgr is missing"


May 22, 2011
Hi guys,

Yesterday i was trying to detect my external HDD on my pc. So I opened diskmanager through diskmgmt.msc, then on the external drive I right clicked and chose enable "something"( my os is not english so i don't know the exact word) but the thing i should have done was just to give it a path. Then i also right clicked on one my C drive (btw my C is drive is partioned for some reason, 100 mb and rest) and did the same "enable" thing to it, too. Now when I try to boot my pc, it says BootMgr is missing. Now I cannot format because there were telabytes of information on my hardrivers regarding my projects and I also don't have windows 7 cd.

I would appreciate all your help guys,

Thank You,

Edit: By the way, I have been trying to boot from SSD in BIOS but no luck.

Windows 7 Professional 64 bit
Intel i7 2600
4xKingston 4 gb
30 gb SSD
2 tb HDD
Ok, here it is.


I clicked on the highlighted part (let me remind you, this is my other computer). It is roughly translated as "enable this part".

Edit: By the way, "Disk Yönetimi" means Disk Management.
Mark the system as an active partition, C: drive with the Os on it.
Any other drive should not be activated as an active partition.
If you clicked on any other drive and marked it as an active partition undo it in disk manager and it should sort the problem out.
And active partition should only be enabled on a drive with the OS residing on it or the Partition it sits on in the drive letter Assignment.
Obviously your external drive does not hold the OS. You have changed the drive letter assignment of boot drive C: to what your external drive letter of the Hdd is. as a active boot drive.


Dear weaselman,

Problem is that my computer is not opening. After i activated the partition on the other drive, i turned off my pc yesterday. At morning when i tried to turn it on, it said on black screen bootmgr is missing. (The computer that i am using right now, belongs to my sister.) Without turning it on, i can't do what you suggested.