Disk Read Error while booting from USB


Nov 4, 2016
Hello, I have a problem. Couple days ago, I runned Windows Update on my Windows 7 to install some important components. When it finished, it asked me to restart system. I restarted it, then I got hal.dll error, and I couldn't boot my system. I watched some YouTube videos, and people in videos said that I need bootable USB to fix this error. Ok, so I went to my friend and we made Windows 7 Bootable USB. We tested it on his computer, and it worked fine. Then I went to my home, and when I tried to boot from USB, the error came up on my screen:
"A disk read error occurred
Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart". Also, I have Wireless Mouse USB Adapter, and I tought that was the problem. Then I removed it, booted again and it didn't worked. This error never came up on my screen since now... Are there any solutions without going to computer service? Thanks in advance.
"Disk Read Error" seems like there's something with either the USB or the computer tries to boot into a corrupted drive.
Assuming that you know how to boot from an USB, it's likely to be a formatting error or corruption on the disk. Try to burn the recovery USB to another one. If still, check your BIOS battery and maybe reset it. Also pay attention that if you are booting from legacy and Win7 is UEFI (or vice versa) it will cause trouble. You may want to check the wiring while you open the computer.
Hi, thanks for the answer. Unfortunately, those solutions didn't worked. I removed the BIOS battery from the motherboard for about 10 minutes, then I put it again. Also, I checked the wiring on motherboard, and everything was fine. I also tried to change USB wire on another USB port, and it didn't worked. Tried to burn to another USB, again nothing. I don't think that my USB is corrupted, because as I said it worked at my friend's PC. I don't know if my PC is legacy or UEFI, I never thinked about that. But I think that's not the problem, I reinstalled system on this PC about thousand times with different USB drives, but there is an error that never appeared on my PC entire life. I think this will be very hard to fix but I think there must be any solution for this... Thanks in advance.

EDIT: I figured out that when I disable legacy support in my BIOS, then it doesn't recognize my USB while I want to boot it. So I think my USB is legacy, and I don't know how to change it to UEFI.
Okay, so I see that nobody answers in longer period of time. Well, I think when someone does not answer in this period of time there is not a solution. So I've managed out that I can't boot from an USB drive, I tried all, almost all programs and all ways. Changed to UEFI, did all the things but nothing... USB worked on my new computer, but it doesn't work on my other computer. So nevermind about USB. I tried the other way, I bought one DVD-R, then I burned fresh Windows 7 installation to it. I tried to boot it on my computer, and it worked successfully, without any problems. But when I want to boot from my other computer, there goes black screen with flashing bottom line. Then it boots that Windows 7 with hal.dll error, not installation, it boots my corrupted Windows 7 on Hard Disk. I'm losing my patience because no one is answering and I think I have no solution there, maybe 30% chance to fix this. I'm losing hope... Can someone please help me about this? Thanks in advance.