Display driver AMD has stopped responding and has recovered (GPU is RX 480)


Nov 21, 2015
Well first of all i apologize for my english is not my first language.

My problem is the nextone i just took my computer from the store where they installed the new parts and reinstalled the OS and all that stuff.
I have windows 10 and i updated the drivers to the last version of RX 480, the problem is that i get that error constantly.
I tried to reinstall the drivers using the disk that comes with the GPU and i still have the same problem, also i used Display Driver Uninstaller in each of the reinstallations.

My Computer:
CPU: i5-6600k
GPU: rx 480 4gb
PSU: Tacens Valeo V 700W
RAM: Kingston HyperX 2800 DDR4.
Cpu cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 103

Thanks for your help and time.
sorry if this question is stupid but, can i do the furmark test without installing the drivers since when i have them installed the driver display error randomdly pops up even when im on the desktop.