Hi. I tried to reproduce 2 times display driver crash. When i run 3dmark time spy stress test. I turn off monitor and then turn on again it will stop test and display TDR crash report in event viewer. Is this reason to worry? This happened 2 times when i turn off montor and turn on back. I tried to reproduce this more than 2 times,and no crash. Yes test will stop , but no TDR driver crash. Weird.
PC: 6700K stock 16GB DDR4 Asus Z170-P Corsair 750 RM 1080 Ti Fe stock No oc.
Screen from event viewer:
Any ideas why it crashed driver only 2 times during this?
My monitor: iiyama red eagle g-master gb2488hsu-b3
If i dont turn off monitor test will run non stop even 24 hours without crash.
Monitor is display port to DVI.
PC: 6700K stock 16GB DDR4 Asus Z170-P Corsair 750 RM 1080 Ti Fe stock No oc.
Screen from event viewer:

Any ideas why it crashed driver only 2 times during this?
My monitor: iiyama red eagle g-master gb2488hsu-b3
If i dont turn off monitor test will run non stop even 24 hours without crash.
Monitor is display port to DVI.