[SOLVED] Display have no signal, newly built computer


Jan 2, 2019
I have just build new computer with:
AMD x4 950
AMD RX 560
Asus prime A320m-k
VS 450 corsair
8gb hyperx Fury ddr4 2400MHz
I have completed the computer everything is connected, all lights glow, all fans are rotating, ram is at the right slot, i have connected the display via dvi to gpu
Computer turns on and display shows "no signal detected" please, give me any advice how to solve it, thanks

Yes, I have tried VGA port built in motherboard with same result.

How could I check BIOS settings without display?

Ok, I have tried it and still nothing

You won't get a graphics signal from the motherboard ports anyway because the AMD x4 950 doesn't incorporate a graphics chip --- so nothing wrong there.

Are you using a regular DVI cable on the RX 560 without an adapter on it? Just straightforward DVI at both ends?


Yes, I have regular DVI on both sides.
I have tried other display too, but still no signal detected.
It should be connected properly, fans are rotating and there is small light on gpu, which glows, when pc turned on. I have connected the 4 pin from cpu, but this gpu doesn’t have power input.

solved, it turns out, that it was defect video card, found out when trying on other computer, thank you all for your advices

OK great no problem