display is flickering and flashing


Aug 28, 2017
Hello this is my first time posting in here and i dont know if im doing this right please if anyone knows how to fix my problem can someone help me this is how it goes:

My display is flickering and flashin as the title suggests ive tried several fixes such as disabling the Windows error services and problem solutions etc. And reinstalling the display as well updating it to the latest version the flickering/flashing keeps on occuring one day its just all like flickering then it will go turn on and off for like 5 to 6 times then its okay for a few minutes then itll go back again even on safe mode it still happens... The frequency of this phenomenon is a bit frequent it occurs at random times durin gaming and even while just browsing there is one time that it flashes crazy then it says "Monitor out range"

Specs is
Amd fx
Gtx 1050
8gb ddr3
Toshiba 1tb
Win7 upgraded to win10

Thanks if anyone might know how to fix the problem and also thanks to anyone who tries hope you all a good day