Display is shrunk down into a tiny box.


May 15, 2013
Basically my display resolution (albeit 1920x1080p) is not being streched across my entire monitor. There is a black frame around it and I can't seem to remove it.

The reason for the problem:

I got up to Step 4 and restarted my PC.

My display driver is now borked and the resolution is now inside a black frame, not stretching out to the entirety of the monitor.

I've tried the following:

- Uninstalling (with CCleaner)/Reinstalling nVidia drivers (both current and the ones provided on my graphics card CD)
- Running my ASUS CD and reinstalling everything
- Uninstall Display Adapter through Device Manager
- Installed the newest version of my BIOS.

But I've yet to come to a solution.

Motherboard: Asus P8Z77-V LK ATX LGA1155
Graphics Card: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 660 2GB

Please answer quickly if possible.. I really hate staying in a small screen. The best I could do to remedy the issue was to set everything to 1920x1080... But everything is so... tiny.

That seems to be the problem.

//Edit: As mentioned earlier, I followed the above thread's instructions to the tea.

As a result, my Windows has now shrunk and unable to open nVidia Control Panel and GeForce always telling me there's a new driver update, even though I just updated.


I do have the 660.rom that the thread told me to create and put into a folder. Although I'm not sure if that's corrupted and I don't know how to restore my original BIOS.


I'm new to all of this and I don't know what to do. :l


All I did was exactly in the instructions..

Unfortunately, it did not work. I downloaded the BIOS you had me do - Then once the PC restarted, installed nVidia drivers.

Still have a small screen unfortunately (shrunken in a box).

Is there something I needed to do after I ran the BIOS exe file?

A F23 file came out of it but I'm not sure what I was supposed to do with it.
Problem has been fixed.

Not sure exactly what fixed it but for those who may encounter the same problem in the future, what I had done was:

- Uninstall nVidia drivers (all nVidia programs).

- Downloaded NVFlash's newest version for WINDOWS (http://www.techpowerup.com/downloads/2423/nvflash-5-190-0-1-for-windows/)
and extracted it to my Desktop as folder: "nvflash_windows"

- Downloaded my GPU's .rom (http://www.techpowerup.com/vgabios/index.php?architecture=NVIDIA&manufacturer=Gigabyte&model=GTX+660&interface=&memType=&memSize=)
and extracted to "nvflash_windows" folder that was created earlier.

- Open Command Prompt. (Start Menu > Run: cmd.exe)

Once in Command Prompt, type: "cd Desktop" - then hit Enter.
Then type "cd nvflash_windows" - then hit Enter.
Type: "nvflash YOUR-ROM-FILE-NAME-HERE.rom"

Reinstall nVidia drivers through your Graphics Card CD.

-- That fixed it for me. --