I have a setup that includes 11 overall displays, all are 1920 * 1080 besides a couple that are 1920*1200 and one 4k tv. These displays are connected to four GTX 1080 cards and the CPU is an Intel Core i7-7700 both of which I believe are slightly overclocked. The issue is that we are running into major framerate issues when we use all of the screens (flight simulation), which in my opinion is understandable as I don't think our CPU is capable of supporting so many displays. Looking at the specs for the CPU it says it supports a max of 3 displays, however it definitely runs like 4-5 just fine. I was thinking the # of displays on that CPU is definitely bottlenecking our system's performance. So my questions are: 1. Do you think I am fairly correct about the CPU? 2. If so, would an Intel Core i9-9920x or something similar and more new be a better fit? 3. Or completely different, am I having a GPU issue?
I have a setup that includes 11 overall displays, all are 1920 * 1080 besides a couple that are 1920*1200 and one 4k tv. These displays are connected to four GTX 1080 cards and the CPU is an Intel Core i7-7700 both of which I believe are slightly overclocked. The issue is that we are running into major framerate issues when we use all of the screens (flight simulation), which in my opinion is understandable as I don't think our CPU is capable of supporting so many displays. Looking at the specs for the CPU it says it supports a max of 3 displays, however it definitely runs like 4-5 just fine. I was thinking the # of displays on that CPU is definitely bottlenecking our system's performance. So my questions are: 1. Do you think I am fairly correct about the CPU? 2. If so, would an Intel Core i9-9920x or something similar and more new be a better fit? 3. Or completely different, am I having a GPU issue?