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Alfred Gamao

Nov 18, 2014
Hi eveyone! I have installed codex version of Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2, when i try to launch the game exe i only hear sounds but no display at all.. it goes red, green, black color display.. so i think display is not supported.. i tried to browse for some ini file to change the video settings manually but i did not find anything.. Help would be appreciated please...
1| Where did you source the game's installer from?
2| Can you please pass on your full system's specs inclusive of your OS?

I downloaded it at Ovagames.com, from there i searched this game called "Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2" and downloaded it, i did a clean install with a crack on it.. I know the game is working fine, but sad to say no display at all, I only hear some background music on it..

My full PC specs is : AMD A8 7650k processor - GTX 650ti 2GB Video card - 8GB RAM - 700 watts Corsair PSU.. 1TB HDD.. it should run the game but heck it pisses me off cause that's what happens no display at all..

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