Question Display not showing

Mar 31, 2019
Can anyone help med with my display. Its not showing anything event tho my computer is working properly. I use DVI-D om my screen. Rigtigt now om using another screen for my computer and i use HDMI for that.
I have a GTX 1050 ti 4gb Cerberus
How are you using VGA?

As far as I'm aware, the current graphics cards like the GTX 1050 ti don't have a VGA output. The only available analogue output now would be from a DVI-I or DVI-A port.

So how are you connecting the display from the computer to the monitor? From what output on the computer to what input on the monitor?
So you used a different computer to connect it to a VGA monitor, and this monitor works?

But using current computer which you're connecting via DVI to this VGA monitor? And you can see BIOS but nothing afterwards? Sounds like a driver issue as BIOS would only be using the most basic of drivers and OS hasn't loaded. If using Windows can you get into safe mode?