Display resolution and object/text/control sizes


Mar 11, 2010

For a few months now I've been using a resolution that is lower than the native resolution of my display (1920x1200). I did this because I mostly browse the internet and operate most applications whilst sat on my bed (for the sake of comfort) which is a distance away from my monitor. This has generally been working well for me as running at 1280x720 means I can read text and operate controls such as that of the Youtube video player without a problem.

Recently I have been back and forth with Steam support about issues I've been having with a game (Portal). One of the problems was that the game was not saving the resolution I set and automatically selecting my desktop's resolution. The Steam support representative suggested that this problem could be resolved by running my desktop at my native resolution and by adjusting the display size. I was unable to follow the instructions provided as I believe they were for a more recent version of Windows. I was able to find an alternate means of increasing the display size by changing the DPI setting.

I like the idea of running my native resolution as it allows me to watch videos and view pictures at a higher resolution. Unfortunately I have encountered a problem. Certain objects are not affected by DPI settings or settings in my browser (Google Chrome). An example of this is the controls for the video player on Youtube. Being I have only just started using my computer in this state (with the Windows DPI and Google Chrome text and zoom level set while running my native resolution) this is the only problem of this nature I have discovered but am sure I would discover more with time.

Is there a way to run at my native resolution but have everything scale the way it does when running at 1280x720? Help would be much appreciated.

Edit: Just to elaborate, The Youtube video player controls (such as info about what resolution a video is running at) appear far too small to see.

Thanks, I had a feeling that might be the case. Just trying to decide whether to live with the problems or go back to 720p. I'll probably switch it back seeing as how the difference in clarity is fairly slight at a distance. Appreciate the help :)