I've had my PC for about two years, never had any problems.
Since yesterday, suddenly my monitor switches off every time I try to start a game. Just the monitor.. the pc stays switched on. Power button and restart button doesn't work that time. I have to restart it by turning off the main switch.
I tried to peek inside the case and when the monitor switches off, there's nothing visibly wrong going on. The fans are still turning.
My specs are:
Ryzen 5 2600
MSI B450M Mortar Max
Ram 8+8 GB 3200MHz
Thermaltake Litepower 550Watt
Since yesterday, suddenly my monitor switches off every time I try to start a game. Just the monitor.. the pc stays switched on. Power button and restart button doesn't work that time. I have to restart it by turning off the main switch.
I tried to peek inside the case and when the monitor switches off, there's nothing visibly wrong going on. The fans are still turning.
My specs are:
Ryzen 5 2600
MSI B450M Mortar Max
Ram 8+8 GB 3200MHz
Thermaltake Litepower 550Watt