DisplayPort/HDMI No Signal (ASUS ROG Swift PG279Q)


Dec 7, 2017
GPU: Gigabyte GTX 1080 8GB
Monitor: ASUS ROG Swift PG279Q

The problem;
So I just got a new monitor and despite any input I try (DP/HDMI) into the back of the GPU, there's a no signal error on screen.

The monitor's menus are working fine and the display works when connecting to my laptop HDMI port, however my new PC Build's GPU Ports arent having it

Things I've tried;
Plugging the DP into each DP port on the back of the GPU, plugging the DP into the DP port on the MOBO, opening the case and checking each MOBO connection is secure

Things to note;
Each component looks OK when turning the PC on (fans turn on, GPU lights up, MOBO lights up, etc).

Also, i have a slight feeling the issue may be caused by the chassis of my case blocking a 100% connection of the DP cable, however people on reddit are unconvinced this is an issue

Any help or things I missed will be greatly appreciated as the whole reason I bought this monitor was to use the DP for 144hz
Try removing discrete gpu and connecting monitor to video output on the motherboard.

About inability to use DP/HDMI for initial boot process - I'm not so sure.

It can be an issue if the GPU wasn't installed properly.

Unlikely if your previous display was working fine, but it might be worth checking that the bracket pins on the GPU are inserted snugly into the PCIe slots (where the shields were removed when you first installed it).
These can sometimes be difficult to fit, as your view will be obscured while installing the GPU. A quick look at the rear of the case will identify if the graphics card IO is 'leaning'.

Now we know that the DisplayPort cable is working fine as it shows a display on your laptop, but try another type of cable that your GPU and monitor can use, in case the port is a problem.

Was the system working before you connected this new monitor?
Are multiple monitors connected to your system (or single monitor connected to multiple video inputs)?

Thanks so much for your reply

The GPU's installation is fine as long as I'm aware. However -- one of the IT guys at work just told me a possible solution which is interesting ; he said since its an entirely new build, certain GPUs wont take HDMI or DP for the initial start up so this may be the issue, I guess i'll find out tonight and update this convo with the result

This was my first build ever and I haven't been able to actually boot the system yet and install an OS. Could it be possible the GPU would only take a DVI/VGA for this initial boot process? - this is a possibility according to an IT technician at my workplace today