DisplayPort loses connection randomly


Nov 18, 2014
Alright, since I couldnt find a single thread that actually is about the same problem that I am currently dealing with I will just create a new one.

I recently purchased the EIZO FG2421 and connected it via DisplayPort. So far so good, the screen is in a good condition and didnt have any of the common flaws. Worked perfectly on day 1, started to constantly lose the DP signal on day 2, kept running without problem and any lost connection from day 3 to day 8 and yesterday, on day 9, suddenly started to show the same symptoms again.

The monitor doesnt shut down or anything, it simply seems to lose the DP signal. It turns black for 1-2 seconds, shows that its connected to DP in the top corner and returns as if nothing happened. First I thought that it had to do with my electricity lines, since everytime I plugged in my phone the screen started to spaz out. This turned out to be false though. My main problem is that its completely random (it at least appears to be) and I have no clue what to do about it. Thought that it might be my GPU, but then it started to happen while browsing, so its highly unlikely that its related to the performance capacities of the computer I am currently using.

If someone knows how to solve this problem or at least has a few ideas I'd appreciate the help. Theres no visible patern. Sometimes the error doesnt occure for multiple days, sometimes once every few hours, sometimes it spazzes out half a dozen times in a 30second window. Apart from that the screen it perfectly fine which is why I dont really want to get a refund. I also wanna rule out that its on my end or else this will simply happen over and over again. My old screen (running over VGA) never had these sort of problems. It also ran at 60Hz and a smaller resolution though.

Thanks in advance.

Hey, I'd be interested in giving it a shot. Do you have an easy solution for Windows 7? All I can find when googling are people explaining how to do it in Vista or with an AMD card.

I have the same issue with 7990 HD video card connected to a 4K U28590D Samsung Monitor. It only started recently March 2015. I have had it the card and monitor for about 18 months. I find my screen is black until I unplug and replug the the display port connector.

At first I thought it was heat related but now I believe it is not as it happens randomly sometime when playing intense game and sometimes while web browsing.

I would be very interested in a solution.. I will be replacing cables and cleaning my PC of dust, hopefully that will resolve the issue as a new hardware is a pricey option.

This might sound weird but it turned out that my phone was the problem. As soon as my phone (Blackberry Q10) is close to the screen, my monitor starts spazzing out. This still is the case. Theres no way in hell that this is a coincidence either because I dont have any issues for weeks, and the second I use my phone directly infront of my screen it goes apeshit again. Now its on the other side of my room and I havent had any issues since forever.

Already notified EIZO of this bug but I dont know if it has to do with the phone, the screen or DP in general. All I know is that keeping my phone more than 50cm away from the screen is enough. Dont ask me what causes this. I dont have a clue.