I wanted to start a discussion on what you guys think the hardest next gen game engine to run will be (also if I need to add another gtx 680 to max these out ) Between unreal 4 vs cryengine (not sure if it cry4 or if their still using cry 3 for crysis 3) vs new announced fox engine. Try not to yell at my opinions and feel free to correct me but: unreal engine I think is the most used (unreal 3) out of all them thus unreal 4 probably will be the most used but unreal 3 never wowed me unless it was used in a game I played and not remembering but I don't think it is the most powerful graphics wise. Crytec is amazing obv and crisis 3 high spec recommendation is a gtx680 a $500 gpu which is pretty damn high recommendation but crytec engine is only used in crysis and far cry 3 (as far as I know) but far cry uses a very highly modified version. Then Fox which for some reason everywhere I look is getting knocked on and I have no idea why. It has been in the making for I think 10 years and I know mgs only been on console (not using Fox engine) but it looks very good on console so no doubt the new MGS for PC using fox will be absolutely amazing. I think Fox is the under dog but will be the top in graphics if not tied with cry engine but as far as I know only game running Fox will be new MGS and I don't think it will be used for any, if any other game. Whats your thoughts? what do you think you need to run top end games using these engine? and what games will use them?...