DIY Cardboard GPU backplate and PSU Shroud


Nov 14, 2017
Hi, I recently made a cardboard PSU shroud. I had made a Gpu backplate for my Gtx 1080 msi aero. I painted it using spray paint. I had the backplate on for about 2 months now with no sign of any damage to anything. Is it possible that my equipment might get damaged in the future? BTW I know it’s getto, but it actually looks good, and is very cheap.

Pictures or it didn't happen.

GPU backplates are for the most part, functional. Is this cardboard vented? The back of the GPU generates a hefty amount of heat... if you have that covered up with cardboard I'm sure you're increasing the temp of the card ignoring the obvious fire hazard.

I agree, I was gonna ask for pictures too.
Actually I haven’t experienced and gpu temp difference. I have also seen many people make gpu backplate out of plexiglass and that sort. My case doesn’t”t come with a PSU shroud. Also many PSU shroud don’t have vent holes. And gpu backplates are meant to look good. They don’t affect thermals.

They are definitely functional, they don't effect thermals because they are vented. They also help support the weight of the card because they are attached to the contact points. What exactly do you mean by PSU shroud? Pictures would be beneficial. Are you talking about the piece of plastic that helps vent exhaust INSIDE the PSU? Please say no lmao :ouch:

I misread your post but this is so awesome (if I do say so myself) I'm putting it here anyway.
I invented a 3D printed I/O shield for a friend that can be put in from the outside of the case because he forgot it when he built his system.

Maybe you can do something similar rather than having flamable paper in your PC?

Use a secondary site to host images and share them in the forum.

While backplates don't help much with thermals, they do absorb a lot of heat. Paper ignites at a much higher temp than a GPU gets, but still it isn't a good idea to have combustible paper inside your PC.

It may never be an issue. But I wouldn't recommend it. We are still waiting on pics. I want to see how great this cardboard looks that you would want to keep it there.

I have a GTX 1080 Msi Aero. I have checked temps on the back and it had gotten 38 max. BTW I had the gpu backplate on for the last 2 months and it’s held up with 3-5 hour long gaming sessions