DNS problem no FIX


Mar 22, 2014
Hello this is the error :
"your computer appears to be correctly configured but the device or resource is not responding"

PC : Intel core2duo 3.4
: 4G RAM
OS : WINDOWS 7 Ultimate - all updates on

Connection : DHCP

i dont have any rooter : NO ROOTER NO MODEM !!!! dont ask that please !

I tried everything i know :
I've added public DNS : ,
i traid google DNS : ,
i updated my network card for windows 7 no fix
i traid unistall BitDefender no change,
i reinstall windows 7 fresh no fix
i traid :ipconfig /flushdns - ipconfig /release - ipconfig /renew
i called the ISP guy , on his laptop my network cable works perfectly.
i have an old laptop with XP on it and on that laptop works perfectly,


i need it to work on this one with windows 7 because of this one is all my work and is a fast PC.

i hope someone will think of something i didn't think off
All the best folks.
Hello SirSub , yes i did after i use this command in order , and press "Diagnose" button it shows me that it fixed the problem shows that green fix !
But if i use "Diagnose" button after 30 sec shows me again : your computer appears to be correctly configured but the device or resource (DNS Server) is not responding

i tried all the staff on the internet, i paid a PC expert and he said he can determine what the problem is, he said i should get a new motherboard...
But whay is happening this, that's my point i will really like to know...
All the best.
Ok sir , it was on auto , it had no solve, i called them here and thay set it auto the same tink , the ISP guy said is not his problem that my pc has problems,
when the ISP guy plug my cable in his laptop the network was very good no problems !!!
so he said is not his problem to solve the problems of my pc, he tried some stuff but to no end he said something is missing registery problem, or he said to install drivers for my network card ,i already done that 4 days ago....
please try this.

windows start button > then go to all programs > then go to accessories > right click on command prompt > then select run as administrator

at the command prompt type

ipconfig /release

after that, press enter and wait, then type

ipconfig /renew

then press enter, after that close the command prompt and restart the computer.
Thanks for give interest on this problem , supasieu what do you mean how do i do that ?

P.S : i connec to the netowrok i can some times browse the net some time good some times it takes about 30 min to load a page (ex : 130 kb page)

When it works good , i some times like to play just 1 game ... WAR : DOTA and it lets me connect to a server but , on the game i see fractions of the game , like 3 frames in 20 sec , it's looping like that is like play stop , play stop 3 frames per 20 sec.

some times i gate this message : http://oi61.tinypic.com/11qr8rc.jpg

It shoes that it fixed the problem but it dos not when i use "Diagnose" again after 2 min it shows me the problem : your computer appears to be correctly configured but the device or resource (DNS Server) is not responding

Your network card could be defective, try another NIC or wireless adapter if you can.
Ok i bought a NIC and install it give the ISP guys the new MAC , it worked for 10 min and it started again , when i install it and press in "Diagnose" it showed me the same mesaje :your computer appears to be correctly configured but the device or resource (DNS Server) is not responding

i'm desperate sick and tired of this problem that has no resolve.
Can you manually configure/set the IPv4 and the default gateway IP address in your NIC.

IPv4 -
Gateway -
Subnet mask -
Dns -
Dhcp -

Just to eliminate possible conflicts.
Plaintuts Where did you get that IPv4 and gateway address from?

NicolausM Can you attempt to ping both the DNS servers you have listed (The Google ones and the ones assigned to you by your ISP), also after you issued the command ipconfig/flushdns, did you follow it with a ipconfig/registerdns?
Hello SirSub , yes i did after i use this command in order , and press "Diagnose" button it shows me that it fixed the problem shows that green fix !
But if i use "Diagnose" button after 30 sec shows me again : your computer appears to be correctly configured but the device or resource (DNS Server) is not responding

i tried all the staff on the internet, i paid a PC expert and he said he can determine what the problem is, he said i should get a new motherboard...
But whay is happening this, that's my point i will really like to know...
All the best.