Do 256 SDRAM = 128 DDR??



Since DDR run twice as fast as SDRAM ,will 256mo SDRAM run as fast a 128mo DDR?
Since my computer is mostly used to play games is having ton of memory really helpful? Will 512 mo of SDRAM have a big advantage over 256 mo of SDRAM for gaming purpose?


Yes and No. It's like comparing apples and oranges. More memory is always good. In my opinion, a machine will perform better <overall> with 256megs of SDRAM compared to 128megs of DDR. The biggest increases seen so far with DDR RAM is about 10%. Keep the SDRAM until you have enough $ to get 256 megs of DDR. The DDR may be faster, but when you only have 128 megs of it, your creating a bottleneck. If your a gamer, 128 megs of DDR will probably perform better in games compared to 256 megs of SDRAM. Current games don't really use any more than 128 megs. But, if you do a lot of surfing, publishing, MP3's, etc. and all at the same time, you'll see better performance with more RAM rather than faster RAM.


Sorry mpjesse, your reply is quit wrong, without facts.

Please see Basic Knowledge 1, 2 & 3 Posts for details.

Short explanation, SD256MB is not DDR128MB. Can never be compared the way you asked.

If the application you use need alot of RAM, say 120MB, and windows itself needs at least 40MB then the 256MB system will prevail, against no matter what other ram, because we are talking about AMOUNT issue.

Although the one that is lacking can use Virtual ram to compensate, but that is using HDD which is a hell lot slower than any ram on earth.

Finally, if you use very little ram, but needs constant changing data then DDR128 will beat the crap out of SD256, because we are talking about Speed issue.

Finally, no such thing as 512MB better than 256MB better than 128MB, because all uses virtual ram which is bad.

Only system that can run all applications with as big a DATA as he/she needs WITHOUT VIRTUAL RAM is fastest, PERIOD.

Best regards