Do all gtx 970 have 3.5 vram?

so the 970 wont stress out when it goes over 3.5gb ?
Well ultimately it is question that should be asked to 970 owner. I think people have a valid point to be concerned about the performance impact with the 3.5GB + 0.5GB memory config but it seems some people did not even bother to investigate how things really are and make general assumption that once the memory usage exceeding 3.5GB mark usage the performance will slow down (FPS dropping). If 970 have such issue to begin with the problem will be seen when reviewer bench the card. All they have as evidence mostly about CUDA application that meant to test graphic card bandwidth (which is not a representative of real world gaming scenario) to back up their claim. I'm not saying 970 will be free from issue with it's weird config but some people just make the card's flaw as the main reason for any issue encounter by the card (and that happen in this forum).