Do AM4 coolers work on AM3+?


Aug 20, 2017
I have been searching the internet for two hours, no joke. I remember when it used to be easy to find solutions online...

To be specific, I have an AMD FX 8350. I want to know if the new EKWB Fluid Gaming a240 will work with it. The cooler is an AM$, the CPU is AM3+.

So, the big question, do AM4 coolers fit AM3+ cpu's?

No, AM4 coolers in general are not compatible with AM3, otherwise why the hell do you think everyone on AM3 has to order new mounting hardware? I just don't know if that specific block is able to be retrofitted with an AM4 backplate like AM3 coolers are to AM4. Ask EK, otherwise go jerk yourself off somewhere else if that's how you're going to react to someone trying to help you on their own time at no cost.
Not that I know of, but I've never heard of anyone trying to use an AM4 cooler on AM3, only the other way around. It might work if you have a spare AM4 backplate, but other than that I highly doubt it. Why don't you just order a cooler compatible with AM3 out of the box?

I won't order a different one just yet because I want an a240, obviously. And I want to know if AM4 coolers work with AM3+. Since you don't know the answer, maybe would have been better to just say nothing. But your speculation is appreciated.
No, AM4 coolers in general are not compatible with AM3, otherwise why the hell do you think everyone on AM3 has to order new mounting hardware? I just don't know if that specific block is able to be retrofitted with an AM4 backplate like AM3 coolers are to AM4. Ask EK, otherwise go jerk yourself off somewhere else if that's how you're going to react to someone trying to help you on their own time at no cost.

Seriously? Dude, you're getting free help from knowledgeable people. No, AM4 coolers will no work with AM3+ CPUs. They're called AM4 coolers for a reason.

Yes, but if you don't know the subject, I donno, you could just don't post to it.

But you cant just get the cooler and expect it to fit, you can get toolkits/mounts from the sellers which are specifically to fit in different sockets. For example master cooler have a mounting kit (AM4) socket for any coolers.
Answer from EK:

"Thank you for reaching out to us.
Sadly, this kit does not claim support for AM3 and we do not offer the AM3 bracket in the box, but the backplate for AM3 compatibility can be offered separately.
The backplate is free of charge, but you have to pay for express shipping only since this bracket would be shipping from a different facility.
If you give us your full name and address, we can give you a quote for the shipping costs, and you can than decide if you will take it or not.

Best regards"

You are incorrect, they dont fit, however you can get mounts that is an AM3+ which can be fitted onto an AM4.

So they don't fit when stock, which is likely what OP has. They will have to go get an AM3 mount. Basically the same as buying a whole new cooler in terms of inconvenience.

Don't bother trying to get an AM4 socket cooler, I would extremely recommend the hyper 212 evo which is am3+ , and from my use, really effective.