Do any of these HWMonitor readings seem dangerous?


Apr 7, 2017
My system config is below as well as a screenshot of HWMonitor after about half an hour of running Team fortress 2, and a few other things (which i normally wouldn't be using at the same time). The indoor temp here is about 33 C.

Does anything look too hot or anything else that could be causing a problem?
My pc restarts randomly about once or twice a day and sometimes freezes on a screen with some strange coloring over it. I'm guessing it might be the graphics card. But thought i'd give this a shot before getting a new one. Apparently onboard Graphics Radeon 3000 does not have drivers for windows 10 and uses windows 8 drivers.

I'd much appreciate some help on this. And also if you think it is because of the graphics card, a suggestion on a card that would solve the issue and be least expensive.

Thanks in advance!




Thanks for your reply RARRAF, would i be able to know from hwmonitor if the psu is faulty? Anything i can look for?

I do not know of a program that monitors psu performance I do have a PSU performane rating list
PSU Tier list tier 1-2 are good for gaming
I would recommend an EVGA SuperNova Gold G2 / GS / GQ, Platinum P2 / PS, or Titanium T2 or a Seasonic M12-II Evo or S12-II

GOOD PSU EVGA is a B2, G2, P2, GS, PS, or T2. Avoid the EVGA B1 and G1 series


Thanks for all the info, definitly helpful