Question Do Demciflex filters for Meshify C affect its design?

Jun 20, 2019
I’m looking to get the Fractal Design Meshify C. It is a very open case, and the filters don’t seem that good so I’m afraid of dust. I found Demciflex filters for the Meshify C, and I heard they were really good. The case is really well designed, and I was wondering if the filters affect the design. Do the filters impede on the design of the case, especially in the front?
One of my rules is to never let form (cosmetic design) get in the way of function.

May not be the answer/solution you desire but my recommendation is to just purchase a highly reviewed and highly rated case.

Use that case and clean internally as required or necessary.

Makes "design", "filters", "impede", etc. all moot. Likely more subjective matters versus functional and performance concerns.

And do remember that due to static electricity there will always be dust....
There's a certain amount of give and take to a dust filter. The holes have to be large enough to allow somewhat unrestricted airflow, yet small enough to not allow dust to pass through. This guarantees 2 things.
  1. The low pressure area in front of the fan is going to pull air and all it contains, through the filter at a rate given for the fan.
  2. There's going to be microparticulate dust smaller than the holes in the filter, which will be forcibly sucked through the filter, and the fan will distribute that dust throughout the entirity of the case.

Basically as long as your pc has 'airflow' it's also going to have a certain amount of 'dust flow' that's unavoidable. The only ways to stop a higher to full amount of dust is with fans strong enough (pc fans are nowhere near (not even a decent fraction)) strong enough to even to pull air through an extremely tight mesh, like that found in Airconditioners etc, or stop the 'airflow' altogether.