Do Dual monitors destroy FPS


Dec 13, 2013
Say i'm getting 100 - 120FPS on a 120HZ monitor in a game with a Geforce GTX 770 and I add a second 60Hz monitor to display loading progress or emali ect.. will that knock off some of my frames?
You will lose at most only a few frames depending on whats displayed on the second screen (but if its another 3d game both games will be slow)

Practically nothing to lose really. I'm using my old TN monitor as a second screen and had no noticeable effect on my games. Do take note some games will force the second screen to go blank unless you play in windowed mode.
You will lose at most only a few frames depending on whats displayed on the second screen (but if its another 3d game both games will be slow)

Practically nothing to lose really. I'm using my old TN monitor as a second screen and had no noticeable effect on my games. Do take note some games will force the second screen to go blank unless you play in windowed mode.
the above + most full screan games lock your mouse to the screen you're playing on. you won't be able to multitask while gaming unless you alt-tab out, but that kinda ruins the concept of multitasking. if you just use the 2nd screen to view a site or something while gaming you proably won't notice a drop in fps. you might notice a drop when watching a yt video and gaming at the same time tho
the above + most full screan games lock your mouse to the screen you're playing on. you won't be able to multitask while gaming unless you alt-tab out, but that kinda ruins the concept of multitasking. if you just use the 2nd screen to view a site or something while gaming you proably won't notice a drop in fps. you might notice a drop when watching a yt video and gaming at the same time tho