Do I buy a new gpu or monitor?


Jul 24, 2016
Currently I have a gtx 980 and a generic 1080 24 inch 60hz monitor. I play a bit of Cs go, a ton of Rust, the witcher 3, a lot of strategy games, and battlefield 1 and overwatch. My problem is I can't decide whether to upgrade my gpu or my monitor. I would love a higher resolution and higher hz but then my frames would go down and I couldn't take advantage of the higher hz, then again I would love higher frames with a gtx 1080. So which do I get? Here are links to the monitor and gpu.


You have a great 60hz 1080p 60fps system right now. Until you can duplicate it, or put together the superior high refresh rate/high framerate system you want, I say don't buy anything.

If you buy the card now, by the time you can afford the monitor then even better cards will be out or today's cards will be cheaper. If you buy the monitor now, then by the time you can buy the card you might have been able to get an even better monitor too or get the current ones cheaper. The only advantage for buying the monitor now is you'd have a higher resolution monitor, even though game performance wouldn't be as good as what you have now. Is that worth the cost now? Only you can say.
At 1080p, the GTX 980 should already be beyond 60fps which is a moot point with a 60hz monitor. Upgrading the GPU to a GTX 1080 won't change that.

I think you should upgrade the monitor, since you'll be able to back off on settings like AA and get pretty decent frames at 1440p (depending on the game of course).

I agree with the above poster, I believe you should upgrade to 1080p 144hz, and save up for your next big upgrade with the 1170 etc. and a 1440p/4k (maybe if cards are strong enough) 144hz display.
You have a great 60hz 1080p 60fps system right now. Until you can duplicate it, or put together the superior high refresh rate/high framerate system you want, I say don't buy anything.

If you buy the card now, by the time you can afford the monitor then even better cards will be out or today's cards will be cheaper. If you buy the monitor now, then by the time you can buy the card you might have been able to get an even better monitor too or get the current ones cheaper. The only advantage for buying the monitor now is you'd have a higher resolution monitor, even though game performance wouldn't be as good as what you have now. Is that worth the cost now? Only you can say.