Do I have a bottleneck?


FPS can be different depending on the models of GPUs and CPUs used, it can be different depending on resolution that you are gaming at and it can be...



Without a model we can't really say anything, but I really don't think you will have any issues in regards to bottlenecking. Depending on your chipset you would or wouldn't be able to overclock the i7 if it is a "K" version. But, that is the extent I can see here. Are you having any problems that would make you think you might have a bottlenecking program?

Luke Garner

May 18, 2014

My friend has a worse graphics card and processor yet gets higher frames in some games than I do



FPS can be different depending on the models of GPUs and CPUs used, it can be different depending on resolution that you are gaming at and it can be different depending on the HDDs and/or SSDs and DRAM you are using. Also, it would depend on whether your friend has overclocked anything in their system as well. Not to mention, different games are optimized differently and will contribute to FPS performance differently as well. Also, your internal game settings plays a major part in what your FPS will be too. Please list specifics for components and what FPS you are getting during play and what FPS you would like.