Do i have a fake GPU?

Jul 16, 2018
Short and Simple, I ordered a custom built pc with a gigabyte gtx 1070 Ti 4gb, when i told one of my mates, they said 4gb doesn't exist. I checked everywhere and I can't seem to find one that's identical. I'm not sure of it but it seems to run perfectly on my pc. It has really confused me so I just need to know if this is actually real or fake? If needed, I can show specs (.txt or picture)
Sometimes foreign markets, and more commonly OEMs, get odd cards that are missing memory buses. Though I can't see them doing that with a 1070Ti to such a degree. They also usually get picked up by media. I checked the usual websites where they sell fake cards and I didn't see any listings.

Are you sure it isn't a GTX1050Ti? Those commonly come with 4GB. Hopefully they didn't flash a pile of these and sell them as 1070Ti, that would be a shame.

Okay, I found out about gpu-z and downloaded the software then tested it on my gpu. It is a 1070Ti but it's actually 8gb. The software that i originally used (Speccy) said it was 4gb, but i'm going with gpu-z since that, I think, only focuses on gpu and nothing else. But if needed still, here's the picture: