Do I have enough watts?


Jun 24, 2014
Hello guys, I have a problem, i'm planning to purchase a new graphics card (Asus GTX 750 Ti) but I was wonder if I have a large enough power supply to fuel all of my parts. (Sorry i'm not very good at computer things and english is not my first language)

In-Win Power-Man IP-P400AQ2-0 400W PSU
Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.4GHz
Nvidia 9500GT (upgrading to ASUS GTX 750 Ti)
WDC WD2500AAKS-00B3A0 ATA Drive 232 GB
DVD RW Drive 1x
Intel DQ35JO Motherboard

And if i need a new PSU how many watt do I need, and what brand??
Thank You
(I know very old system but it can still run very good game)
I could only find one review for that PSU, its by xbitlabs, it looks like you only have 300W available on your 12V rail, and that was when it was new in 2007. The efficiency is low, and the power factor is abysmal, i don't even think they put passive PFC in that thing! With the age of that unit and your now significantly increased load on the 12V rail, i would suggest upgrading the PSU, its lived a long life already, best not to risk it.
I could only find one review for that PSU, its by xbitlabs, it looks like you only have 300W available on your 12V rail, and that was when it was new in 2007. The efficiency is low, and the power factor is abysmal, i don't even think they put passive PFC in that thing! With the age of that unit and your now significantly increased load on the 12V rail, i would suggest upgrading the PSU, its lived a long life already, best not to risk it.

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