Do i have to reintstal windows


Apr 3, 2017
Hello all. i am planing to upgrade my CPU, MOBO and Graphics card. going from a AMD A10 7860k -> Ryzen 5 1600 and the GTX 1050 -> GTX 1070. some cheap ASUS Mobo to a gigabyte X370. do i have to reinstall my windows 10? i see places saying yes and other places saying that windows 10 is good at detecting hardware changes and what not. you see im trying to use the same and current hard drive ive got, ive not got another hard drive to use
anyone here can help me?

You can just hope for the best and not do it. But eventually that windows will become corrupt. Best to just do a fresh install.

Almost certainly.
And always recommended.

For Win 10, read and do this before you change any hardware:

Create your own Win 10 install media here:

That is what you need to do.

However, read and do the info in the first two links above.
This will tie the OS license to your Microsoft account, rather than to specific hardware.
You must do this before you change any hardware, while the OS is running in the original system.
i believe i added an account to my MS account, i went to log into my outlook however and for some reason my outlook was blocked, i unblocked my outlook. how do i know its linked to that email? is there a way to check?, log into your account
Top right, there is a link to YourName
Click that, select View Account
There, you will see "Devices". Your current PC will or won't be listed there.