Do I need a 120hz monitor?


Aug 5, 2014
I've pretty much finished researching all the parts for my first PC build, (thanks to, but I'm stuck on the monitor. I understand you want a pretty good refresh rate to keep up with your graphics card, but I am only going to be using an Asus GeForce GTX 660 (2 GB) card. If I'll be playing modern 3D games, on this graphics card with a 60hz monitor, will I experience screen tearing or an extraordinary amount of lag?

You don't have to have 120 FPS to make 120hz useful. Though you may not gain all the benefits either.

With a 120hz monitor, you can play without v-sync and experience far less tearing and reduced latency. You can also choose to lower graphics settings for higher FPS.

I personally only need 80 FPS on a 120hz monitor for games to feel comfortable for me. When I used to have a 60hz monitor and usually aimed for 60 FPS, I would get simulator sickness if I played longer than 30 mins. less if my FPS were lower.

But no, you don't "need" a 120hz monitor, but it is a nice thing.
@bystander. I agree you don't need to hit 120fps on a 120Hz monitor to enjoy it but surely you'd want more than 60. A 660 isn't a good choice for a 120Hz monitor unless you play games on low settings. Also, the price of a 120Hz monitor is usually double that of a good 60Hz monitor. Unless you can afford the monitor and a high end GPU....then one should not buy it.

I had one for a long time and honestly...I never noticed a difference. I'd rather get a 1440p 60hz monitor. The only reason I use my 120hz is for 3D Vision.