Do I need a dedicated GPU in my new laptop?


Nov 7, 2013
Trying to understand if I need a dedicated 1GB or 2GB GPU in a new laptop that I am going to be buying. I am looking for something that is portable (hence lightweight) and can manage to run programs such as Adobe CS 6 or medium games like Sims, Assasins Creed, NBA 2K14 (atleast I think they are medium).

So far , the following models have attracted me - your suggestions on these would be so helpful
1) (a little on the heavier side for me)

Please help.
Generally speaking, 1GB is fine for a laptop because its resolution is 1080p at most, so less VRAM is necessary. That being said, certain games, particularly with large worlds such as Civ and Supreme Commander or dense textures like Skyrim, as well as rendering programs, will have no trouble maxing that out. In these cases, 2+ GB are a good idea. Graphics-wise, the third one you listed is the best option. That being said, are you set on buying from HP? Lenovo's Thinkpads have great graphics performance for the price.

Thanks Andreas. I actually updated my question with certain models that I have selected. Also, I am not looking at hard core gaming. I basically need it for work and work related travel but since its my personal laptop, I want to be able to carry out my hobbies and interests on it. That includes working on Adobe Indesign, Illustrator and photoshop and perhaps working with heavy pictures. Max, i'd want to play an assasins creed or a nba 2k14. Do you think integrated graphics would be enough for that or would a 1GB be required?

Updated my previous post as well. You'd definitely want some form of dedicated graphics to play Assassin's Creed, but 1 GB of VRAM would be fine if you're not worried about getting max settings. For everything else those laptops all look reasonable.