Do I need a DOCSIS 3.0 modem?


Jun 9, 2013
Hi all, just a noob question..

I currently own a docsis 2.0 modem (zm5241)

My Comcast plan is xfinity performance, which is 25down/5up speed. ($67 per month! gosh..)

The modem supports up to 42 Mbps as it advertised.

Since I need a new decent router, I find a deal. Newegg has R7000 router + SB6141 for $220.

I don't think I need it,, but I want to ask...

Thank you.!
Do you need it? No. Would it hurt to have? No.

Basically the SB6141 would futureproof you for IPv6 support and Docsis 3.0 service upgrades in the unknown future when your xfinity peformance package eventually goes over the 42mbps/10.2mbps supported by your current modem.
Do you need it? No. Would it hurt to have? No.

Basically the SB6141 would futureproof you for IPv6 support and Docsis 3.0 service upgrades in the unknown future when your xfinity peformance package eventually goes over the 42mbps/10.2mbps supported by your current modem.
I would run Speedtest, and see what kind of speeds you are getting. If they are close to what you should have, and are paying for, I would stick with the existing modem. No reason to fix it if it is not broken. If the speeds are slow, well that is another story.