Do I need a new copy of windows?


Feb 4, 2015
The hard drive in my laptop that I'd had for a little over 2 years now got broke and the laptop won't boot properly. I tried the HDD in another computer (not as the boot drive) and the computer will hardly respond. I called ASUS and they said that the operating system and other important pieces of data were lost. My question is if I buy a new hard drive do i need to buy a new copy of windows too? Is the windows key somewhere on the laptop, can I call ASUS and have them tell me my windows key, or if i put a new hard drive it will automatically pick up the windows code because it is on the hard drive? Thanks in advance.
If your laptop came with Windows pre-installed (which sounds like it did) then you should have a sticker on the laptop that tell you the key and the version of windows involved, so in theory you could install a fresh copy onto a new drive. However the problem is that almost no laptops come with full install disks, so you can't install without obtaining a version of windows elsewhere.

You could talk to Asus and see if they will ship you a new drive that's pre-installed. Or you could borrow a multi-version copy of windows from someone else; the thing you pay for is the key, not the media so it'll still be legal to borrow the physical disks or thumbdrive. Alternatively you can buy a brand new copy of windows and that'll give you both a 'full' version of windows (few laptops come with the 'full' pro versions) which you'll be able to keep and install on any new machines going forwards.
call ASUS and have them tell me my windows key

But you'll most likely still have to buy a new copy of Windows as it will have been an OEM installation.

Sounds like your drive is faulty so its no good buying a Recovery Disk from them which could be cheaper.