Hey guys, couple months back my computer went down on my wife. She was working in lightroom and had an internet browser open. Not gaming or overclocking. it just went black, no shutdown nothing. one second its on, the next off and wont turn back on. I look around and don't see anything wrong with the motherboard that was obvious. my CPU is a corsair water-cooling system so didn't think that overheating was likely. so I purchased a new PSU. The new power supply provided the same results, but failed the paperclip test, so I RMA and got another one in. Same results. no life other then a little twitch of the fans when the power first cycles through. so I pull the board and find a capacitor the looks to be leaking. the board has a shiny puddle formed underneath it like it was waxed or something. quick Newegg search and the reviews agree, the board is crap. 9 months to a year and it died. So I pick up a new board and throw it in. I keep the new power supply as well. so new power supply and new motherboard. computer starts up fans a spinning and no signal to monitor. I try HDMI, DVI, VGA, a second graphics card, a second monitor. No signal. so RMA the motherboard and get a new one. the exact same symptoms. no video no matter what I do. I'm stuck. what is the possibility that the original motherboard actually fried my CPU? this doesn't make sense. without over clocking or overheating it should be fine. ive tried running with just one stick of ram, tried different gpu slots, tried my old power supply, checked the CPU for bent pins, no discoloration, made sure I hear the watercooler running and that checks out. im down too it has to be the CPU. but don't want to waste my money. I need to know why did the CPU go. could the motherboard fry it, or should I be looking into something else. with a new PSU and motherboard, if I replace the CPU I've basically rebuilt my entire rig. So any suggestions?