A couple times lately my pc has frozen, and required a reboot to start. Once past the mb splash screen, a message comes up saying, "Disc read error, press ctrl-alt-del to reboot". The computer then loops with same message. I shut the pc down for 5 minutes and it started fine. This happened about 3 days ago and again yesterday. It seems to be running fine now, but rather than loose it all I ordered a new WD blue, 500Gb drive since there was a $10 off promo code.
Do I need anything besides the Acronis True Image WD Edition that i can download for free from WD in order to clone my drive? The last time I had to do this I had Symantic ghost on a floppy...about 2002
Do I need anything besides the Acronis True Image WD Edition that i can download for free from WD in order to clone my drive? The last time I had to do this I had Symantic ghost on a floppy...about 2002