Do I need a new PSU?


Jan 9, 2015

I want to upgrade my GPU (from a HD Radeon 7870 OC to a GTX 970 from either MSI or Gigabyte).

My current PSU is a (be quiet! STRAIGHT POWER CM BQT E9-CM-480W 80+Gold)

It appears that 500W is recommended for the GTX 970. Then again 500W is also the recommended stat for the 7870 OC I think.

Will this suffice?
According to the sapphire website they need 500W, but as the gtx 970 is pretty expensive I would rather have an answer that offers certainty, than just my base speculation comparison.

I got an I5 3550 as CPU to go with the build. Still if I have to add another 60-80 bucks for a PSU in order to get the gtx 970, which is already expensive, I might reconsider other options.

An affirmation for my assumption would be most appreciated