Do I need a single height Video Card for an MSI A55M-P33?


Jan 10, 2009
Hi All,

I would ideally like to put in a Geoforce GTX 650 Ti Boost on an MSI A55M-P33 motherboard. My worry is that the mobo doesn't have much room and I won't get a double height or two-slot height card in. If that's the case, can anyone recommend a good--and slimmer--video card? It's for my son's computer, and will need to be capable of games ranging from Minecraft up to Grand Theft Auto with mods, etc. on a single monitor. Looking for something mid-range, up to around $150. If I felt it would fit I was thinking of EVGA GeForce GTX650Ti Boost 1GB. There is already another card in the other PCI 2 slot, thus the worry.

Thanks for any help,