Do I need an AMP/DAC for the Sony MDR-1A?

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Sep 4, 2010
Hi guys,

I plan on buying the Sony MDR-1A for gaming on my PC.
Do I need an amp/dac to make them work?

If yes, would the magni/modi combo be enough?

Thanks a lot
Basically I want to know if it is a waste for me to buy the SOny MDR-1A given that I have the magni/modi combo? - No. They would work well together.

Should I buy better/different headphones? - In the end its your decision. Just make sure you do your homework first. They also mentioned the AT M50s which have many a good rap. Make sure you've looked at them too.

Thanks for your answer. Yes I read that on the link you gave.

Ok actually I already have the magni/modi, so it is not necessary to get the 1ADAC right?
Sorry if I soung like an idiot but I really dont know much about amps/cans and so on....

Basically I want to know if it is a waste for me to buy the SOny MDR-1A given that I have the magni/modi combo?
Should I buy better/different headphones?

Thanks again
Basically I want to know if it is a waste for me to buy the SOny MDR-1A given that I have the magni/modi combo? - No. They would work well together.

Should I buy better/different headphones? - In the end its your decision. Just make sure you do your homework first. They also mentioned the AT M50s which have many a good rap. Make sure you've looked at them too.

Great! thanks. To be honest I loved how comfortable the SOny MDR-1A are. Never felt so good.
I have the Beyerdynamic DT 880 pro but they hurt my head after a few hours. I'm trying to look for something as comfortable as the SIberia V1 or V2 from Steelseries.
The Sony MDR-1A seems the way to go for me.
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