Do I need an upgrade?


Aug 13, 2013
Hey guys!!! I have an I3 2120 3.30 ghz.
If I upgrade it to a better one I5 or sthing will i get more fps in games?Is my cpu good enough? I have an asus hd 7750 1gb gddr5 graphics card. What do you think?

I'm planning to get a better gpu but will the new gpu give me the perfomance boost i want without upgrading the cpu?
It depends on the game. Some games are more intensive on the CPU and some on the GPU.

For example i've posted a couple of CPU benchmarks.


What games are you planning on playing?

I was planning to get a 7870 .. wouldnt be good? + i have a 500 wat power supply and new cards need atleast 500wat will i need to upgrade my power supply too?

uhh.. yeah.. i can afford easily a card at around 200$ but i could get 300$

Its a zalman zm500-G5