Do I need New Thermal Paste


Nov 30, 2013
I was building my first computer and the h100i radiator was prooving difficult to install. I never turned the system on or used it yet but while assembling i needed to take the "heatsink" (cant think of the word) off and put it right back on because for it to fit I needed to move it, so would i need to put new thermal paste on or am I good
most times if it withing a few min of pulling and reseating no you should not need to wipe the paste off and redo it. the only time you want to repaste is if you think the paste has air bubbles in it.. or it old paste that been used for a few years and your repaste your cpu.
do you mean the plate that touches the CPU?... If you didn't turn it up, I don't think you need to apply again. We usually need to apply again after the computer has been wprking for some time and the paste starts to dry somewhat.

Ok thats what I figured probably will buy new paste within the week just wanted to see how urgent it was ill probably look at temps in the bios and go from there

yes the plate on the cpu and i was still in the building process just got all the parts and found the radiator didn't fit because a cpu power connector on mobo was in the way so i had to move it and probably put it back on within 3 min