Do i need to reaplace my old PSU?


Mar 28, 2012
I don't really know if the psu I'm using right now might or already had damage/d the other parts of my pc. What i have right now is genie power 600W which came with the case i bought. Here is my build
core i3 2120
sapphire hd6770

I just want to ask if I need to replace it. I have this heat issue in my processor and i'm not sure if it's caused by the psu. Oh and it runs 40 degree celsius at idle. I've already replaced the thermal compound and checked if the clips are locked. If the case isn't caused by the cpu then i'll just replace the heatsink after i buy a new cooler. I really think it's the heatsink that was made by intel. I think they didn't thought I'd notice that they sold some faulty heatsink. But more importantly, why do i need to buy the more expensive psu than just continue using a cheap ordinary 600W one?
40 degrees is fine at idle, especially with the stock heatsink. The load temps are what matter anyway. Are they high? Are you actually having a problem?

600W is way way more than that build needs. And the PSU wouldn't really affect you CPU temps. I am not familiar with the brand but since it came with the case its probably a cheap PSU that's not really 600W. what does the label say?

Cheap PSUs usually are inefficient and can blow up and take the system with them when they fail. Your rig probably wont stress it at all though and will probably work OK. But you can get a quality PSU that would run your rig for 30 or 40 bucks which would be a good idea.


Mar 28, 2012
i'm playing minecraft and it's at 58 degrees now. I read from a forum Some people running 2120 at 30 degrees at idle with stock cooler.


Feb 25, 2009

thats probably acceptable for a stock cooler it will spin quicker from there to keep temps in check, they are set to keep noise low and will speed up when required to keep the system within safe operating temps. its also possible to change fan profiles within your bios you can opt for different fan profiles and as always your temps depend on the ambient temp too. for 30 bucks you can get something like a coolermaster 212 which are great for the money well worth the money if the temps or the fan noise are bothering you i have one on my 2500k and it rarely goes over 50 gaming or if you know someone with say a 2500k chances are they didnt use there stock cooler, so ask them if you can have it, its a bit better than the one with your cpu coming with a copper base etc


Mar 28, 2012

25-35? i'm not really sure but my old amd athlon ii x2 250 ran at 28 degrees at idle with stock cooler.


Feb 25, 2009

if your ambient temps are up to 35 degrees and your idling at 40 thats good, air cooling and water for that matter are not capable of going below ambient temperature full stop, its just how far over it that defines a good cooler. and if your comparing it to ur athlon 2 im sure you wont be monitoring it with the same software and the software isnt monitoring the same chips etc, there just to much variables in there. as long as your system isnt going over like 70, personally i dont let my systems past 60 but thats just me and im overclocking too and the noise from your hsf isnt driving you insane everythings ok. if either of these 2 things is of concern to you spend 30 bucks and get a cm 212+