Do I need to rent a server?


Aug 25, 2012
I got such good advice on here when I built my PC I came back to ask a question about servers. My knowledge is fairly limited so first I'll explain what I'm trying to do and then ask a couple questions.

I like to record games I play and upload them to Youtube. I wanted to record a group of 8 people total playing the indie game Terraria. When I host a game there is a little bit of lag how the enemies will approach from the front and then sometimes will disappear and reappear hitting us from behind. It's not game breaking, but it bugs me because I'd like the recording to go smooth.

I only need to host this for about a month. So renting a dedicated server seems to be a good choice, since the problem I think is my internet connection speed. Basically my questions are, do I even need to rent a server, or could I run it on my computer, and if not and I should rent a server what quality would I need. I don't wanna go over $150, to me that sounds like far too much for a month. clocks my download speed at 25.0Mbps, but more importantly my upload speed is at 3.2Mbps. My PC specs are an Intel core i-7-3770k CPU @ 3.50GHz (8 cpus), 16Gb, and 2 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670's in sli of ram You guys helped me out a bunch once, I hope you guys can again :)
It will be hosting the game Terraria for 8 people. My thoughts are that my 3Mbps upload speed aren't quite enough, requiring a server that possibly had access to a better internet connection. I just need the server to run the game for 8 player multiplayer as smooth as possible.
What is your RAM usage and CPU load while you are hosting the game with the players connected? I would initially believe your bandwidth should be able to handle what you are asking of it, without seeing numbers related to the game bandwidth requirements.

EDIT: I am seeing about 7kbps up/down requirement per person at one source which points back at your hardware, not your bandwidth.