Do I need to replace the stock Dell 300W PSU to install a GTX 1050?


Aug 8, 2016

I have purchased my first 'gaming' PC!

I bought a Dell Inspiron 3847-2311BK with a GT 710 for a total of $300!

The reason why I chose a 710 is because the people at Fry's Electronics advised me not to purchase a 1050 with this poopy-doopy power supply.

I thought not as I have seen many people run 750s on 300w OEM PSUs. which has the same wattage as a 1050.

Do I need to upgrade my power supply to stick a GTX 1050 non Ti into it?


I shall just upgrade the power supply, would a cx500 fit into the computer?

I also do not trust OEM power supplies too much, especially if it's 20 watts under the recommended watts for a 1050.

Thanks for the help!
Yeah should fit... but the Corsair CX is a Tier 4 PSU and you could get one with a tier 1 to 3 rating for better power stability and efficiency... you'll probably end up paying more but your components will be better protected.

PSU tier list 2.0

This EVGA 500 B1 100-B1-0500-KR 80+ BRONZE 500W is said to be tier 2 in a customer review at I haven't found the Tom's article where he read it.. but it should be better than the Corsair CX500, and a few dollars cheaper.