Do i need to update my BIOS before installing the new CPU?


Jun 24, 2018
So i have talked to some people and they say that i need to update my BIOS before installing the new CPU but do i really need to update the BIOS. i dont know how to do that and im scared to mess up!
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What motherboard do you have? Are you upgrading a new cpu onto old motherboard? What is your old and new cpu?
Be more detail if you want a correct answer.

As far as I know, only a few cpu required newer bios. The one I know the last 4 years are when AMD am4 older generation motherboard needed bios upgrade in order to work on newer Ryzen.

Just make sure your motherboard have dual bios (nomally written in the box, if you have discarded it, you can check on the website of your motherboard) so you do not have to worry about busted your motherboard as dual bios mean it have default back up.
What motherboard do you have? Are you upgrading a new cpu onto old motherboard? What is your old and new cpu?
Be more detail if you want a correct answer.

As far as I know, only a few cpu required newer bios. The one I know the last 4 years are when AMD am4 older generation motherboard needed bios upgrade in order to work on newer Ryzen.

Just make sure your motherboard have dual bios (nomally written in the box, if you have discarded it, you can check on the website of your motherboard) so you do not have to worry about busted your motherboard as dual bios mean it have default back up.