Do I need to upgrade my system?

Mohammed Mahdi

Apr 29, 2013
Hello guys, I made this build like 2 years ago, but sometimes when a friend ask me about my VGA and I tell them it's gtx 970, they says " omg why didn't you wait for the newest Nvidia1000 series" and tbh I basically did not have the money or patience "because it was going to get released soon" back then.

CPU: intel i5 6600 (not the K one)
GPU: nVidia GTX 970
Motherboard: Msi H170 gaming M3
RAM: 8 gb
SSD: 120gb
HDD: 1T "lately it has become a bit laggy with a faint noise when it lags a bit"

Most of the time I spend on my pc doing college work and lab. reports and watching movies. And when I play [[I used to play many games before]] now mostly and daily = League of Legends

Is there any component that is old on my pc and needs to be replaced?
For LoL, a 970 is more than capable - don't worry about it. Something can always be 'better' but, provided it's doing what you want, and doing it well, it's perfect for your uses.

As for the balance, a 6600 is a quality CPU.

The only aspects I'd comment on would be the 8GB RAM (16GB would be 'ideal') and the 120GB is a little small.
BUT, like I said, if it's performing well for you today (And I'd be surprised if it isn't) - then it's perfectly fine.
I would have to agree with Barty here. There really isnt anything you "need" to upgrade, especially for your needs (You would know if you needed to).
The RAM less than idea given modern demands, but that does not necessarily mean you need to upgrade.
SSD is on the smaller side, I have a 120GB model as well.
Thank you so much guys for your quick replies, I will consider getting a 16gb RAM whenever I get the chance to do so, along with a newer HDD.
As for the SSD, I only use it for my OS "windows 10 pro" + LoL only. I have kept 18GB free space on it ( I read somewhere that I need to keep some % free space on any SSD so it doesn't have bad effects on its lifespan).
Thank you again.