Do I need two anti-static wrist straps for each arm?

So, they are pretty cheap, so buying two wouldn't be a problem. But hey, for the money you can buy a cheap case fan. :)
Another thing, is it a good idea to have a humidifier running in the room to raise the humidity? I live in Wisconsin in the mid-west, so it is pretty dry around this time. Also, is it fine if i sit on my carpet, but have all the components on a low separate table? I won't wear static attracting clothes when I'm working on it. So, here are the general questions:
1. Do I need 2 anti static wrist straps?
2. Should I run a humidifier?
3. Is it fine if i sit on my carpet ( with all of those other precautions of course)?
1) No. Static charges collect on the surface of your skin throughout the body, which is connected, so haivng one is enough:

2) Although that does help reduce the chance of static electricity of buildup, with the wrist strap, its not necessary.

3) Should be. Just don't get one of those wireless antistatic wrist straps, most of them are very ineffective.
1) No. Static charges collect on the surface of your skin throughout the body, which is connected, so haivng one is enough:

2) Although that does help reduce the chance of static electricity of buildup, with the wrist strap, its not necessary.

3) Should be. Just don't get one of those wireless antistatic wrist straps, most of them are very ineffective.